Your example and leadership builds a wall that keeps your family safe, just like Nehemiah.
You are an example to your children whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not. Make it a good one.
Blue-Collar Bible Scholar
The name says it all, any average guy has what it takes to understand “high level” Biblical theology and scholarship. Everything I learned at Bible College, I believe every Christian should know. I spent my whole first 2 years saying, “Why haven’t we learned this at church?” I was raised in the church: I grew up in Awanas, I was there every Sunday and Wednesday night, I went on mission trips. I got to Bible College couldn’t believe how much I WASN’T taught. Not because it was some nefarious secrets, just because it never came up. I could’ve always just gone and looked up Josephus or the Septuagint on my own, but I never knew what those were or why they were important. I want to help equip you with a solid command of the basics, a handful of free online tools and databases, and a hunger for a deeper knowledge of the things of God. Now I have to say, it isn’t necessary that you know more stuff. We are saved by Faith through Grace to good works, not knowledge. However, some of the more confusing spots in scripture become obvious after a quick work search or a little historical digging. That’s all, I want you to have the tools to go find your own answers instead of waiting for your Pastor or favorite radio preacher to spoon feed you what to believe. Now, lets go learn stuff and work hard!
While it seems hard, God didn’t make it rocket surgery.
You need to get serious about pruning your habits and character. Cutting useless and often harmful distractions from your life.
Learn, apply, learn some more, etc.
This isn’t a destination, but a continual striving. It’s exactly like working out. How long do you have to lift weights before you can just stop, and be strong forever? Never, you have to have a practice of exercising every day to get stronger and stay that way. Just pick one new thing to learn each day and build your house one brick at a time!
I make videos from my car and post them on the internet! The future is a magical place!
I made a deck of cards that’s also a bible study, because why wouldn’t you? That’s over here
You can check me out at the social medias below, and listen to me wave my other favorite flag: pay more attention to blue-collar workers, we are often ignored and taken for granted. I care so much I wrote a book about the blue-collar blindspot, find it here!