God loves LIFE!!! Follow the Leader: Genesis 9:5–7
Genesis 9:5–7“Surely I will require your lifeblood; from every beast I will require it. And from every man, from every man’s brother I will require the life of man. “Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made man. “As for you, be fruitful and multiply; Populate the earth abundantly and multiply in it.”
-What do you think about this?
The context is that after the flood, Noah gets out of the ark and presents an offering to God. God chooses to lay down some ground rules at this time. This is the first time we have any explicit commandments given directly to man from God (other than the implied “murder is bad” I’m looking at you Cain!). I think the instructions here are pretty straight forward. This is a basic endorsement of corporal punishment, followed by “have lots of kids.”
This is a biblical precedent for slaying animals that have harmed or killed humans. I’m from Alaska and it’s standard practice that whenever a bear has attacked a human, that bear is hunted down and killed. That’s actually why the pepper spray for bears has orange paint in it. It marks the bear as the one that attacked you so the authorities can identify it later.
There is a biblical authority for man to execute justice over animals, and other people. These are general rules for all of humanity and they should apply to any properly functioning secular government. This is because we are all made in the image of God, and are valuable because of it.
Next is a command to hang out and have kids. Just enjoy the world and live here. Sadly, western culture has become afraid to have kids.
USA Today claims, “The cost of raising a child today is $233,610 — excluding the cost of college — for a middle-income family, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
In a pig’s eye! They say it’s before college is factored in. Look man, that just isn’t true. I’ve provided for 5 kids on less than 50,000 a year for the last 9 years. Walmart diapers and Groceries are priced right. Don’t let garbage lies dissuade you from doing the greatest thing you’ll ever accomplish. Ask any parent who loves their kids. Sure, they’re expensive, but that’s preposterous. Kids are work, and well worth it.
-What’s the most important word here?
LIFE! God loves life. Preserve life. Help Create life. Live your life. God wants life to flourish on this little ball of ours.
-What’s the main idea?
Live and let live. We need to respect life, the image and breath of God. I becomes necessary that those who carelessly disregard that life, be removed from society. This is not done lightly, we must be motivated by our respect for the life of others.
How does this change your understanding of things?
Does it?
Tell me what you think? Am I wrong? What are some simple ways we can respect life?
God Speed.