Sunday Sermon Review Episode 2

This is the show where I review a sermon! This week Pastor Bill Frasnelli preaches on God Held Captive to the Mission!

Pastor Bill Frasnelli at Jubilee Christian Center in Fairfax, VA

God Held Captive to the Mission

God held Captive Theme

  Israel loses Ark to philistines (1 Samuel chapter 4 and 5)

  God  allows  others to have power over Him

  God chooses to act through human agents whenever possible


Joshua and Caleb had a different spirit

  In sense of demeanor or manner

Numbers 13:25-33

Caleb quieted the people Numbers 13:30

  But Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, “Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it.”

Challenge to cooperate Romans 10:12-15

      We are a team/a body that functions together

Challenge to action  Luke 14:23

        Go out and DO!

Challenge to advance.

       Make advancements for the kingdom

Challenge of Urgency Romans 13:12, John 4:35

Cooperate, act,  and advance: NOW

Don't just "have" a mission statement, but your mission should make a statement.

Acts 10:38 *I am very sorry, I misspoke. This is Peter preaching to Cornelius' family, not Paul.*

- God is with you


Princess bride: We are men of action; lies do not become us.  -Wesley

This sermon spoke to me in Anchor station and in Extreme church makeover

Consistently reminded of James 2

 And Ephesians 2:9-10

What are some ways you can take action for Jesus this week? Call in and let me know

Also, if you’re thinking sermon you'd like me to review Please call and recommend one!

Thank you so much for listening;

I'm Robert Pearson